Help us get your kids out into the bush!
Finally we are able to run our first Primal Kids camps for the year in December after having to postpone them twice. We’re pretty happy about that, and want to keep doing them next year. With that in mind, we wanted to let you know what we’ll be doing to keep your kids safe.
Please read and complete pre-screening prior to camp
A link to our COVID-19 Pre-Screening Form will be emailed to all families to complete and submit 24 hours prior to attending camp.
Start of camp
- Parents will be advised to keep 1.5m distance from other families when they arrive at the pick-up location.
- Primal Adventures staff will verify that pre-screening questions are still true and correct
- Hand sanitiser will be administered to all children, and temperatures taken upon arrival.
- If there is a child with a temperature above 37.5°C, they will not be permitted to get on the bus. They will be advised to get a COVID test, and remain at home in self-isolation until they receive the results. If they receive a negative COVID-19 test result and are no longer displaying symptoms, their parent or carer is welcome to transport their child to join the group at the camp location at a time agreed upon with Primal Adventures staff.
Children will be issued with face masks prior to getting in any vehicle and advised to wear them for the duration of the drive.
Food preparation & service
- All food and snacks will be prepared, served individually, and stored according to NSW Food Safety Standards.
- Children will be reminded to wash and/or sanitise hands prior to eating
- Food will be served to children by staff who are wearing gloves
Sleeping arrangements
- Tents (Primal Tweens) will be shared in friendship pairs, sibling pairs or small groups by prior arrangement.
- Please email to request that your child sleeps in a tent on their own.
- YHA bunk rooms (Primal Girls) will be occupied with a ratio of no more than 1 person per 4m2 as per NSW Govt Health directive effective from 22nd Oct 2020
- All activity gear will be cleaned and sanitised by the activity provider prior to use.
- Hand sanitiser is recommended and provided before and after activities
- Any activity gear that is regularly used will only be used by the one person for the duration of the activity e.g. kayak paddle
- High touch surfaces will be regularly disinfected.
- Students will be allocated a specific toilet & shower that their small group up to 8 will use for the duration of the camp.
- Toilets and showers will be cleaned and sanitised a minimum of twice daily.
- If using other toilets, children will be advised to wash/sanitise their hands afterwards
- Staff will provide consistent messaging around personal hygiene e.g. coughing or sneezing into elbow, not touching face or other people
Sick children
- Any children that display symptoms that appear similar to COVID 19 will be immediately separated from the rest of the group, accompanied by a staff member of the same gender.
- Their parent or carer will be notified as soon as possible, and advised when and where they will need to pick up their child.
- If they receive a negative COVID-19 test result and are no longer displaying symptoms, their parent or carer is welcome to transport their child to re-join the group at the camp location at a time agreed upon with Primal Adventures staff.
After camp
- If a child displays symptoms following camp they are advised to get a COVID 19 test and notify us immediately.
- If they test positive within two weeks after camp, all staff and children from that camp will be advised of the result and requested to self-isolate and get tested ASAP, then remain in self-isolation for 14 days or until an alternate transmission source is identified.